A list of predictions for life after Coronavirus (Part 4)
How will we be living our lives after coronavirus is over? Here’s a collection of thoughts from people around the UK…
Taken from the podcast ‘What The World Thinks’ by Samantha Hornsby. But for those that don’t like listening, here are the most interesting predictions for you to read.
A CHANGE IN PERCEPTION OF THE FASHION INDUSTRY: “Covid has got us thinking about what’s necessary and what’s not. Unfortunately for fashion as an industry, we have to accept that we are an added extra. We are a lot of fun, but we’re not a necessity. We’re not considered essential beyond the bare basics of clothing a body.”
MORE SKEPTICISM OF THE MEDIA: “I’ve seen that politically we’re a lot more involved and a lot more engaged — I feel that people are adopting critical thinking skills that they may have not adopted before and asking questions like ‘why did The Sun run that story? What is their angle behind that? Why did they pick that spokesperson?” I hope it continues because we need to hold our politicians and our news media to account and make sure that what the news we are receiving is what we need to know rather than what they want to tell us. I think that there’s a real shift in that happening now.”
A MORE POWERFUL GOVERNMENT: “So my general prediction then is that travel will be restrictive and government will become more powerful. Our interaction with other countries may actually slow down, even though it looks at the moment as if it’s going to be a more cohesive world because governments will want to protect their own people. People who are stuck in different countries and unable to get home can really tell good stories about how horrendous it was for them. And I think we’re going to slow down the rate of social travel.”
THE ‘DAILY WALK’ WILL BECOME A HABIT: “Everyone’s embracing going for a walk now. Before it was impossible to get everyone to do some daily exercise and now, because it’s forbidden to get out and about people are now like, ‘I must go for my mandatory walk’, aso maybe people will end up being healthier.”
THE REVIVAL OR DEATH OF THE CHARITY MODEL: “I think Corona virus has been an extremely interesting experience. In the charity sector, there’s a very sensitive issue of the financial position of charity balanced against the need to reduce costs because of the uncertainty. But how can we help support and continue to support the most vulnerable people? It’s one of those situations where it’s a great opportunity value shine through and not just be lip service, but it is matched with action. Hopefully more people feel engaged to either volunteer or to somehow support the charity sector through these very difficult times.”
TRAVEL CREDIT MIGHT REVIVE THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY: “Isn’t it like everybody actually cancelled their trips or holidays — so many people are postponing instead. The airlines and the hotels didn’t give refunds, they just gave credit. So I don’t know if that’s going to help people to start travelling again, knowing that you have that money to travel with and there’s an expiry date for the credit, until the end of 2020 for example. So people will be forced to travel because they don’t want to lose this money that they’ve already spent.”
Enjoyed that? Want to read more predictions, or other articles from the ‘What The World Thinks’ article series? Well, here’s some more on Medium for you…
Want to hear the audio of people giving their predictions? You can find the predictions on episode 4 of What The World Thinks, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Simplecast (for desktop listening).
Thank you to those who shared their thoughts (in order of appearance):
Louisa Rogers, Lecturer & Founder and Designer of Trendlistr (trendlistr.com)
Dane Thomson, Social Media Consultant (streetsaheadsocial.com)
Carole Railton, Behaviourist : Specialist in Body Language for Business (lifeafterbranding.com)
Francesca Baker, Writer, Copywriter, Marketer & PR (andsoshethinks.co.uk)
Seth Allen, Trustee at Adviza Partnership & Co-Founder at Madio (adviza.org.uk / madio.co.uk)
Felipe Noguera, Saving tourism through running (passportplay.run)