‘What The World Thinks’ series
The first thing people will do post-lockdown (Part 1)
Sam collects thoughts from strangers about the thing they’re most looking forward to doing once lockdown is lifted.
Taken from the podcast ‘What The World Thinks’ by Samantha Hornsby. But for those that don’t like listening, here are the most interesting predictions for you to read.
- “The first thing I do once lockdown is lifted and everything is safe is I’ll go grab a flat white from my favourite coffee shop and then go across the city to Broadway market and have my favourite toasties of all time.”
- “I’m going to make a trip to the chip shop so that I can enjoy my lovely northern fish and chips, mushy peas and gravy or curry sauce. And then I’m just going to go to any beach, run in the water, lay the sand and just feel the wind in my hair and be free again.”
- “I’m looking forward to hugging the parents. But more importantly, I think watching my kids hug my parents, that will be the moment that I feel lockdown isover.”
- “I want to go to the cinema and I want to just sit. Watch a film. Have all the snacks. All the popcorn. A beer. And just relax.”
- “My little niece turned 2 under lockdown a couple of weeks ago. The first thing I really want to do is get straight on a train to Bristol and give her a big hug and a kiss, say happy birthday in real life.
- The first thing that I’ll do when lockdown is lifted is go to a beach and then go swimming in the sea. So hopefully lockdown will be lifted soon.”
- “Lockdown hasn’t really helped my relationship with my partner. So I think the first thing I’m going to do after lockdown, is to invite my partner to her favourite restaurant for dinner and tell her how much I love her.”
- “So my team have pulled together immensely over the last few months. I really want to organise something for them in person and tell them face-to-face how grateful I am for everything that they have done to support me and the business.”
- “The first thing I’ll do is to get back involved with my local RSPCA, which is RSPCA Hillingdon branch. So I’ll be straight down there to walk the dogs, see all the other animals and help out the staff much as possible.”
- “On July the 8th, I’m scheduled to do a wing walk for wheelchair ambulance. I still want to do that. I am nervous about the loops and things like that. But why not? You only live once.”
- “You know what? Meeting friends is the one thing I’m really looking forward to. So I had to drop something off at a friend’s house the other day and I was fine until I put the bag on the doorstep, then I stepped back and she came down, opened the door, and I burst into tears.”
- “My friends and I run an Etsy shop. So that’s something that we are looking forward to, being at full capacity again for our little Etsy shop because we intend to turn this Etsy store into a full time income for ourselves at some point in the future.”
- “The first thing I’m going to do, post lockdown is get into a rehearsal room. I’m currently creating a brand new show and my director and I and my musical director need to get in a room together so we can start working on the show I’ve had the chance to write during the lockdown.”
- I’m a musician. I’m a guitar player. I run a big guitar school. And I’d like to throw a big event where all of our teachers and all of our students can get together and just play and have fun.
- So when this lockdown is over, I’m pretty sure I’m going to join everybody else in going to the nearest brewery and drinking it dry. And then I’m going to the pub. That’s what I’m going to do.
Enjoyed that? Want to read other articles from the ‘What The World Thinks’ article series? Well, here’s some more on Medium for you…
Want to hear the audio of people giving their positive tips? You can find their voices on this episode of What The World Thinks, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Simplecast (for desktop listening).
Thank you to those who shared their thoughts (in order of appearance):
Isabel Sachs, Culture Manager & Communications Consultant (instagram.com/bel_bites)
Carolyn Pearson, CEO of Maiden Voyage (maiden-voyage.com)
Simon Young, Managing Director of Institution (institution.co.uk)
Jess Baker, Digital & Lead Generation Executive at KCS
Suchandrika Chakrabarti, Freelance Journalist, Broadcaster, Comedian and Media Trainer (suchandrika.com)
Nellie Khossousi, Web Designer, Videomaker, Writer, Digital Marketer (thirdculturenellie.com)
Jeremy Hurst, Logistics Officer RFA (linkedin.com/in/jeremyhurst)
Rebecca Newenham, Founder of Get Ahead VA (getaheadva.com)
Jenny Hodge, Copywriter & RSPCA Hillingdon volunteer (rspcahillingdonclinic.org.uk)
Oli Sheppard, Director at J Sheppard & Son (jsheppardandson.co.uk)
Gin Lalli, Psychotherapist (ginlalli.com)
Nicole Russin-McFarland, Film Director, Film Score Composer, VO Actress (imdb.me/nicrussin / CinematNIC.com)
Paulus, Singer, Comic & Presenter (paullmartin.com)
Vicki Workman, Manager & Teacher at G4 Guitar Croydon (croydonguitartuition.com)
Ian Courtney, Singer/Songwriter, Writer & Poet (iancourtney.bandcamp.com)