‘What The World Thinks’ series
The first thing people will do post-lockdown (Part 2)
Sam collects thoughts from strangers about the thing they’re most looking forward to doing once lockdown is lifted.
Taken from the podcast ‘What The World Thinks’ by Samantha Hornsby. But for those that don’t like listening, here are the most interesting predictions for you to read.
KARAOKE & DATING: “So the first thing I would do tomorrow if lockdown was lifted would be to go to my friend’s Japanese restaurant and follow that up with a mass karaoke session. I’d also go on an in-person date. As much as video calls and phone calls have been wonderful during lockdown, I think single people will be wanting to go one in-person dates as soon as possible!”
A STEAK DINNER FOR DAD: “The first thing I would do after lockdown would be visit my dad and give him a great big bear hug and take him out for a steak dinner.”
PUPPY LOVE: “I’m going to travel from London back to Yorkshire to see my parents and take my puppy, Alex, who they’re desperate to see. It’ll be really nice to go back to the countryside. I’m also really excited to dress up and actually make an effort and get all dolled up for drinks with friends.”
MOUNTAIN BIKING: “I’m really looking forward to getting back into mountain biking after lockdown. Every little hurdle you come up against it, it gives you the sense of accomplishment. I cannot wait to get back out on the trails.”
AN OAT MILK MOCHA: “The first thing I will do when lockdown is lifted is I am going - this is going to sound silly - but I’m gonna go to Costa and I’m going to get a mocha. A soya or oat milk mocha. Then, I’m going to probably hug as many people as I possibly can. Obviously, with respect and within the law. I’ll probably embark on a UK tour of just seeing people for the next six months. That’s what I would do.”
PROSECCO WITH MY BEST FRIEND: “I’m actually in Finsbury Park in North London, on my daily walk. It’s a really lovely place to come because there’s enough space for everybody to distance but coming to the park once a day kind of brings home the fact that it’s the only place I go once a day. I love the question of what will I do if and when lockdown is lifted for me. The first thing I will do is I will go round the corner from my house where my best friend happens to live. I think I miss her more because I know she’s closer. So I will I will just hotfoot it to her house, probably with a bottle of prosecco. She has a lovely garden and a French bulldog called Victor. And I expect they’ll be a few little tears in the eyes as we we reunite. But I will keep coming back to Finsbury Park because it’s become a bit of a special place for me during this time. So, yeah, we’ll always have a little thing, me and Finsbury Park, for the lockdown walks that we had.”
GET BACK TO WORK: “Once full lockdown has been lifted and when people are allowed to travel around the country and to stop overnight is I’ll be sending an email to everyone who has booked onto my five day stammering course. The courses have had to be postponed and these people have had to unfortunately wait to travel to Torquay for the course. The email is already drafted and I’m just purely waiting to click that send button.”
GET ON A PLANE: “The first thing that I’ll do when lockdown lifts is book a flight. I just love the change of scenery and broadening one’s horizons.”
Enjoyed that? Want to read other articles from the ‘What The World Thinks’ article series? Well, here’s some more on Medium for you…
Want to hear the audio of people giving their positive tips? You can find their voices on this episode of What The World Thinks, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Simplecast (for desktop listening).
Thank you to those who shared their thoughts (in order of appearance):
Matthew Barrett, Co-Founder of Goal Click (goal-click.com)
Arlene Santiago, Fitness Trainer & Health Coach (arlenesantiago.com)
Nicole Windas, Director at ARDERE (ardere.com)
Laura Martin, Blogger (missljbeauty.com)
Elliot Kay, MD and Lead Trainer of Speaker Express (speakerexpress.co.uk)
Jenny Stallard, Founder of Freelance Feels (freelancefeels.com)
Steve Hill, Stammering therapy coach at Stammering Course & Director of Promote Your Brand Name (Stammeringcourse.co.uk / PromoteYourBrandName.co.uk)
Nina Clark, Founder of Nightire (nightire.com)